+61 (8) 9583 2428

Give us a call today to discuss your child’s needs

Truth, Pride and Friendship


All enrolment inquiries are welcomed. Your first step is to make an appointment to discuss your child's eligibility. Phone (08) 9583 2428, drop in during office hours (8:00 AM to 3:30 PM), or send an email to riverside.esc@education.wa.edu.au.

Following an initial interview, you may be eligible to complete a Request to Enrol form. This form must be approved by the Principal before an offer of placement can be made. It will also be considered by the School Psychology Service.

Preparing for Enrolment

To complete the enrolment process for your child you will need to make available the following items:

  • Enrolment Form (provided when the request to enrol has been approved)
  • Birth certificate or extract or other identity documents
  • Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
  • Copies of Family Court or any other court orders (if applicable)
  • Proof of address
  • Information relating to suspensions (if applicable)
  • Information relating to health or medical condition, disability or additional needs

If your child is not a permanent resident of Australia, you will also need to provide:

  • evidence of current visa subclass
  • evidence of previous visa subclass (if applicable, such as if current visa is a bridging visa)

A full list of enrolment requirements will be provided when the Request to Enrol is approved.

Please note: student enrolments may be limited by available space at education support centres. We recommend inquiring early.

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