+61 (8) 9583 2428

Give us a call today to discuss your child’s needs

Truth, Pride and Friendship

School Hours for Students

Students should not arrive to school before 8:30am as there is no supervision. The school premises are strictly out of bounds after school hours, during school holidays and over the weekends.

8:30am – Classrooms open
8:35am – 10:35am – Learning Block 1
10:35am – 11.10am – Play and Eat (morning recess)
11:10am – 1.10pm – Learning Block 2
1:10pm – 1.45pm – Play and eat (lunch recess)
1.45pm – 3:00pm – Learning Block 3
3:00pm – School finishes

2:30pm - Early Close Every Thursday

Please note the above times are not relevant to kindergarten and pre-primary students as they have their own class schedule.

A LATE PASS must be collected from the office if children do not arrive on time. A LEAVE PASS must be collected from the office if a student leaves before the end of the school day.

The school premises are strictly out of bounds after school hours, during school holidays and over the weekends.

The school office opens 8:00 AM and closes 3:30 PM.

Student Absenteeism and Illness

The School Education Act requires that all school age (6 - 17 years) children attend school each day of the school year.

Parents/carers are required to notify the school if their child will be absent or late prior to the commencement of the school day (8:30 am).

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School Uniform

Riverside Education Support Centre and Riverside Primary School share the same uniform. Students who attend Riverside ESC are expected to wear the uniform in accordance with the Riverside Primary Schools' Student Dress Code.

The uniform is available for purchase from Perm-A-Pleat, Unit 2, 76 Reserve Drive, Mandurah, or online (see website below).

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Voluntary School Contribution

Each year, families and carers are invited to pay a voluntary contribution that is used to acquire additional classroom resources. While it is a choice to pay, the higher the number of contributions received the more effectively can the acquisition program benefit all our students. We seek your support to raise the participation level to 100%.

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Travel and Parking

Transport for students to and from Riverside ESC is determined by the specific needs of the student, with most children either coming by school bus or via family transportation.

Families seeking to use the government-funded school bus service need to complete an application. Information is provided on our school bus webpage.

Like most schools, traffic at drop-off and pick-up times is extremely busy. RAC comments that "Congestion around schools can make it riskier for children to cross the road alone. Large, reversing cars and poor lines of sight can increase the risk to young and smaller pedestrians." (See RAC article.) Please exercise patience and consideration, using the traffic and parking zones in accordance with displayed signage.

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School Bus Services

SBS vehiclesSchool Bus Services (SBS) is responsible for providing students with special needs access to free transport assistance to and from school on contracted ‘orange’ school buses.

Applications can only be made online. Application closure dates apply, usually set well before the end of November in the year prior to enrolment.

Parents and Carers of students that change their address during the school summer holidays need to submit a new school bus application. SBS recommends doing this as soon as possible.

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All enrolment inquiries are welcomed. Your first step is to make an appointment to discuss your child's eligibility. Phone (08) 9583 2428, drop in during office hours (8:00 AM to 3:30 PM), or send an email to riverside.esc@education.wa.edu.au.

Following an initial interview, you may be eligible to complete a Request to Enrol form. This form must be approved by the Principal before an offer of placement can be made. It will also be considered by the School Psychology Service.

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Immunisation and Enrolment

Schools can only enrol Kindergarten students with acceptable evidence of immunisation status, or who an exempt children because of particular family circumstances.  All enrolments must be supported by up-to-date immunisation and Medicare information.

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Managing Student Health Care (Medications)

Student safety and wellbeing are our highest priority. We therefore encourage parents to work in partnership with the school by providing up-to-date medical information and immediate notification of changes to emergency contact details.

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Post-Primary Pathways

Riverside ESC has established relationships with the following schools that enable a highly-supported transition program for students moving on to year 7 and beyond. Transition is an important and successful component on your child's learning journey, building a bridge from the safety and familiarity of well established relationships at Riverside to the unknown of high school.

Within available resources, transition to other schools is also supported to the fullest extent possible.

When your child reaches Year 6, be sure to let the Deputy Principal or your child's teacher know as soon as possible of your preferred high school destination so that the appropriate measures and assistance can be provided.

Chaplaincy - Pastoral Care

In 2017 RESC joined the Youth-Care Chaplaincy Program as a pastoral care initiative for students, families & staff. The program has been a resounding success. Chaplains Lisa Ferraro and Jackie Creelman have established an effective and generous rapport with students and staff, contributing to individual, family-carer and community health and wellbeing.

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Riverside Primary School

Riverside Education Support Centre partners with Riverside Primary School (RPS) to provide an integrated learning environment for children of all abilities.

Contact RPS for information about enrolments and programs via their website at riversideps.wa.edu.au or by calling 08 9583 2400 during school office hours.

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