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Truth, Pride and Friendship

Business Plan

Strategic Planning at Riverside Education Support Centre responds to many influences, the most important being the identified learning capabilities of our student cohort. They are our 'treasure' and we invest everything possible into their wellbeing and development within the framework of an independent public school in Western Australia.

The school is guided in its planning by the operational and strategic directives of the WA Department of Education, including:

  • Every student, every classroom, every day -  strategic directions for public schools 2020-2024 which sets clear aspirations for every student and focuses on improvement drivers across six pillars to strengthen support for teaching and learning; and
  • Building on Strength: Future directions for the Western Australian public school system - a long term vision for education over the coming decade. This statement explains the thinking and rationale behind the commitments made in the 2020–2024 strategic directions.

Planning also responds to:

  • Western Australian public school triennial reviews by the Department of Education's Public School Accountability directorate;
  • Internal reviews of planning and achievement;
  • Collated student data;
  • Recommendations arising out of the Annual School Report;
  • Professional Learning and the introduction of new practices and trends;
  • ESC Principal networks;
  • Adaptations proposed by professional support services and government agencies;
  • Parent and Staff biennial surveys;
  • Input from the Riverside Schools Board; and
  • feedback from families and friends that make up the school community.

Following the February 2024 School Review by the Department of Education, the team at Riverside is working to implement a range of changes for 2024 and beyond. This work will be presented to the Riverside ESC School Board for comment in due course.

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