Each day students undertake a range of daily living tasks relevant to their individual needs. This may include Toilet Training, brushing teeth, washing hands or more advanced skills such as managing clothing and laundry. These skills are highly individualised and will be incorporated into a child’s learning program in collaboration with families.
With the generous assistance of Mandurah Murray Mayday Club, students have been able to participate in the RDA WA Murray Mandurah programme which provides specialist horse-riding programs for people with disabilities. We continue to see excellent outcomes as a result of the programme. Students have improved their gross and fine motor skills and their social skills through working with dedicated RDA WA staff and volunteers.
Students attend swimming lessons at local and nearby recreation centres. Senior students may also participate in swimming and water safety activities at one of the local Mandurah beaches.
A variety of short-duration and one-off activities complement the learning framework at Riverside ESC, many of which are funded through applications to SportAus (Sporting Schools), a federal government initiative under the Australian Sports Commission. In previous years the initiative has funded qualified sports personnel to attend our school to impart volleyball skills, much to the delight of all students. Tennis and gymnastics programs have also been run.
The school also enjoys the services of Fishability via their Mandurah Jetty School Program, tailored specifically for Education Support Centres to enable students to experience recreational fishing in a safe environment.
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