Parent Surveys

Riverside ESC is committed to a journey of continuous improvement across all aspects of the school. Regular surveys of parents and carers, conducted as a voluntary and anonymous activity, helps to monitor and strengthen that commitment while also satisfying our governing requirements as an Independent Public School.

The 2023 Annual Survey, summarised below, has yielded valuable information that will be incorporated into future planning. 

Forms were received from 27 families for the 2023 survey, for which RESC expresses sincere appreciation. Details of the survey including questions asked are available in this pdf file: 2023 Parent Survey

A summary of question scoring from the latest and previous surveys appears in the table below, showcasing the consistently high rating by parents over many years:

As for all such activities, when the number of participants is well below the population size, responses received may not provide a clear picture. An ongoing operational goal is to increase the participation rate significantly. The next parent/carer survey will be in 2025.

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