Student Absenteeism and Illness

The School Education Act requires that all school age (6 – 17 years) children attend school each day of the school year. Parents/carers are required to notify the school if their child will be absent or late prior to the commencement of the school day (8:30 am).
How to Notify the School:
  • Come in to the school office before school starts.
  • Phone the Office on 9583 2428.
  • Send an email with an explanation for and anticipated duration of absence to
School Follow-Up and Obligations:
The school seeks to minimise concerns with the home-to-school movement of students. If we have not heard from a parent/carer and a student does not arrive at school, a phone call will be made to the contact person(s) listed on the school enrolment form to seek an explanation. For this reason, it is vital to immediately inform the school if contact details change. Frequent, unexplained absences will be referred to the District Attendance Coordinator at District Office.
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